Monday, December 29, 2008

Email Voice Recognition Reader For The Bathroom

Writen by Lance Winslow

Have you ever noticed that in the mornings before work you go to check your emails real fast to see if anything is urgent. For those who are self employed this is a must, as you never know who emailed and you might need this information prior to leaving the house. Of course if you are too rushed you do not have time. But actually you do. While brushing your teeth or hair you could be getting your emails read to you via you Bathroom robot which is working with your voice activated and voice recognition email reader device and why not? Why have all this great technology to serve us if it is not helping us be more efficient and saving us time? But how exactly would this work you ask?

As you walked into the bathroom the sensor would feel your presence and ask; "Good Morning John you look like crap this morning, do you want your emails now?" And you say thanks yes that would be nice. Then the bathroom would say please identify, put your hand over the palm reader to initiate. Then you say; "Screw you, its me you moron, dumb SOB computer, read me my emails you idiot! Then you would get back a reply; "Oh, yes I see it is you John, I can tell by your pleasant attitude! Would you like personal or business emails first?" Then you say; Whatever! Your emails will be read and you can save or reply via your voice, but do not try to reply with toothpaste in your mouth, as the message will be illegible. So that is how it will work? Isn't technology grand? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow