Saturday, July 5, 2008

Local Business Directory Websites Can We Do Them Better

Writen by Lance Winslow

On the Internet we see many local business directory websites out there, some are good, some are bad, but the concept makes sense. Can we make these systems better, so they are more accurate, timely and are easily accessed with low bandwidth wireless handheld devices?

Recently I wrote an article and submitted it to an online article submission website; I titled it "local Mexican Restaurant" my thought was, let's see how well this is picked up in the search engines by Internet surfers. My experiment was done to prove my theory of where wireless devices are headed because of the new GPS systems now have voice activated systems and you say: "nearest fast station" "nearest Starbucks" "Local Mexican restaurant." My thoughts are in studying the CES 2006 Show in Las Vegas that indeed, this is one of the major pushes in electronic devices.

My thoughts are that people will be using these systems personal tech devices to find local businesses. And I believe that in the future all these systems will be linked. Your cell phone will ring a certain tone when you pass by a Starbucks or your favorite "Fruit Smoothie" establishment. When you car gets low on fuel it will start putting local gas stations of your favorite brand on your GPS display in your car.

If and when some smart entrepreneur figures this out and can build a website which can look as if it is designed for an at home Internet Surfer, but loads fast enough for PDA, Cell Phone and other wireless devices then they will have figured out the answer to what is needed for the Business Directory Website Genre. Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow