Monday, January 12, 2009

Slideshow Slide Show Photomontage Photo Montage Video Album Which Is It

Writen by Sandra Clukey

In this new digital high tech computer age slideshows/slide shows/photomontages/photo montages/video albums are becoming very popular. But I have found when I do a web search I get multiple titles. So what's the difference between a slideshow, slide show, photomontage, photo montage, or video album? After doing some research of my own, dictionary searches and web site reviews, I have come to this ultimate mind numbing conclusion – are you ready? – There is no difference in the name! I know that this may be a cause of disagreement between many, but I dare you to do the same research. Ultimately, I believe that you too will come to the conclusion that whether you call it slideshow, slide show, photomontage, photo montage, or video album they are all one and the same. However, a bit of trivia for you, I have discovered that in the Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, the only one word or phrase of these five that can be found is "photomontage".

So, if there is no difference in the name is there a difference in the product? The truth is whether you order a slideshow, slide show, photomontage, photo montage, or video album the difference is only with the company. Every slideshow, slide show, photomontage, photo montage, or video album creating company has their own individualized way of creating what I will call a slideshow production. - You can replace the word "slideshow" with "slide show", "photomontage", "photo montage", or "video album". It's really a personal decision. And it is highly possible that as I am writing this article a new word or phrase is being created at this very moment to replace any of the above five words. Such as… moving pictures, pictures in motion, memories in motion (that one kind of makes you dizzy) albums that move, photo movements (there's a phrase that will really move you!) – You try. I give you five minutes to come up with some of your own phrases. Go ahead be creative!

So what's my point here, or do I really have one? I guess the point is this. When you are doing a web search for – are you ready, here we go again - slideshows, slide shows, photomontages, photo montages, or video albums – type in each of these different keywords separately each time you do a web search and you will have more choices because each keyword will bring up a new search and ultimately a new company that you haven't seen before. In addition, try using specific key words. If you are planning a wedding place the word "wedding" or "wedding reception" before any of the above words. Do the same thing with a graduation slideshow, birthday slideshow, anniversary slideshow, reunion slideshow, memorial slideshow, or so on. You can also add words after the keywords listed above such as "production" or "productions" (yes, adding an 's' makes a difference). And why let Google be your only search engine. Try other search engines such as my favorite MSN. You will get more choices because each search engine has their own way of categorizing web sites.

After you've found a new company view their samples. In this way you will be able to decide which company offers more of what you are looking for in a slideshow, slide show, photomontage, photo montage, or video album. And finally look not only at the price but also at the package. What do you get for the price you are willing to pay? And is the company willing to work with you in creating your own package with your own needs? The more willing a company is to satisfy your individual needs, the happier you will be with the end results. And as with anything in life, the same rule of thumb applies with slideshows, slide shows, photomontages, photo montages, or video albums – you get what you pay for! If the price seems too good to be true, it usually is! Keep in mind that your memories are unique and should be treated as such so stay away from the 'cookie-cutter" slideshow presentations and look for something unique and creative. Sands of Time Multimedia Creations - experience the difference!

Sandra Clukey, lead slideshow creator for Sands of Time Multimedia Creations, has years of experience and an intense passion for turning still pictures into beautiful, sentimental slideshow video albums for people everywhere! See her "12 Steps to a Successful Slideshow Production" View some of her samples: Experience the difference!