Writen by T Potter
Did you get the MP3 players that you wanted for the holidays? Are you searching for a new model? There are hundreds of them on the market ranging from the highly loved IPods to the $20 discount department store models. Which do you choose and what will they offer you? With so many options out there, it is easy to see just what you need in a few tips. Here are some to help you to purchase the best MP3 players from now on.
What storage do you need or want? The size of the memory on the MP3 player has a lot to do with how many songs you plan to download to it. The more memory, the more songs you'll have. You'll need to choose between the flash memory players (which are able to offer a few hours of music), expandable memory players (which you can add more memory to later on) and hard drive players (for a huge amount of file storage.)
What features are a must have? For each person there is a different need in features. Some want all of them while others just want the basics. Some features to consider include color screens with image display so that you can view photos, video capability which allows you to see movies and TV shows on your MP3 players, sports features that will do such things as monitor your running, entertainment features that will let you play games on your player as well. Still others will remind you when you need to do things, allow you to tune into the radio and others will allow you to use voice recording features too.
Now, let's look at accessories. There are many accessories you can pack onto your MP3 players. They can be such things as music services where you can purchase and download your songs from or cables that allow you to transfer files faster and easier. You can also check out headphones that are just the right fit. You can choose a radio transmitter which allows you to play your music through the radio in your car, cassette adapters, docks, stereo connector there are many options to choose from.
So, now that you know what to look for in the MP3 players that you can purchase you'll just need to make up your mind. That may actually be the hard part.
This article was written by T.Potter. You can visit Cool MP3 Players for further information and MP3 player resources.
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